The Decade

Ignoring the Growing Fire of Anti-Black Racism No Longer. June 14th 5-6:30 PM EST...

The UNDPAD Push Coalition in partnership with Dr. Vibe is holding an online conversation with Matthew Green, the Federal New Democratic Party Member of Parliament, regarding the recent announcement of the $25M in funding for Black / People of African Descent from the 2018 budget....

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Enough Is Enough!!! What can be done to stop the killing of Black men and women by the police in North America? Time: Live tomorrow at 5 p.m. Eastern (May 31, 2020) You can watch this live event or

Today, Minister Ahmed Hussen announced that the Government of 🇨🇦 is moving forward in investing $25 million over 5 years to provide assistance to Black community organizations. Grassroots organizations will be able to apply for grants of up to $100,000 in late spring to...

On May 17th at an important meeting of Black community leaders, with Minister Ahmed Hussen, a Zoom Bombing occurred. There were reprehensible racial slurs and epithets of the most vile and racist nature. The meeting was to discuss the roll-out of funding for Black communities...

WITH LESLINE MCEWAN, RP, MA, CAMF REGISTERED PSYCHOTHERAPIST (RP), COLLEGE OF REGISTERED PSYCHOTHERAPISTS OF ONTARIO (CRPO) SAT APR 4 2020 01:00 PM ET TIME Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 900 164 306 Join by Phone (Toll-free): 855 703 8985 (CANADA) / 877 853 5257 (US) Watch via Facebook Live...